Sunday, May 22, 2005

1 million + 1 things to do, and 4 days to do it in. AAUUGGHH

Good lord, crazy isn't even the word for what is happening here. The funny thing is, I staying pretty calm about it. As long as I have my friends trailer, as a last resort I can throw everything in it and drap it to the dump. Does it really matter?

My son is settling in to the apartment, and I am even getting phone calls from him about things like "Do I really take the garbage out and put it in the dumpster?" (He doesn't want to look stupid.) You can tell he doesn't remember ever living in an apartment, which in my book is a good thing.
He's also taking me up on my offer of doing his laundry, though for some reason he expects it all to be done an hour later. *L*

The million + 1 things to be done? Well I am slowly making a dent in them I think.
The big thing was the Dr and dentist appointments before I no longer have insurance.
I've gotten refills for six months, so that is great. I also got two cavities filled and another done tomorrow. I'm guessing they will want payment then, hmmm.... I'm hoping they will take a post dated check til the end of the week.

The house and garage *HUGE sigh* are still just plain scary. I did make a big dent in things when I put some of the bigger items out on a free board online. Most went within 5 minutes, unbelievable. What was fun about the whole process was I got to take my now wireless laptop out to the garage and post things as I got to them. I'm telling you, wireless is the best thing since sliced bread. (showing my age there).

Anyway, I'm not quite panicking yet, but probably will after tomorrow, which is going to end up being a waste as far as clearing things out. I need to see about placing the two dogs and one cat in a shelter, not really a shelter, I mean the place has doggy condos for God's sake. BUT the catch is how much moolah they are going to want from me to be able to place them there, Money makes the world go round, and I am more and happy to give a generous donation, but I just can't do it every year, unfortunately.

Well, I'm off, someone is coming to pick up our artificial xmas tree, which is in great shape, though even I was suprised that someone snagged it right away when I postsed : "May have cat hair on it". *LOL* You can get rid of just about anything if you put a FREE sign on it! :-)

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