Saturday, November 26, 2005


Amazing how quickly things can change on this great adventure of ours (said with just a bit of sarcasm). One day you think that you will be the chef for a bistro, the next you are again sitting wondering what the future will bring.

And yes, all of you who told me to go for the job interview may now tell me “I told you so!”

Well, nothing is concrete yet, but the people from the UK who wanted to rent the house seem to be backing out. They’ve dropped the price they want to pay up front from 10,000€ to 3,600€ and are just sort of making noises like if this who thing doesn’t come together quickly, it won’t at all.

Jess was just sobbing last night as we talked to the woman via IM. Now those of you who know Jess well also know that she can really push people too far. When we found out about the possibility of the deal going sour, she wanted to go with the family to Portugal so that she could be with their son. Well, this was too much for the woman who literally said she didn’t know us or our history and that she had to think of her family first and she felt she was being pushed into something…. Now in reality these are all valid statements, but it was the way she said it that came as a personal affront to us.

These were the people who blew in one day, stayed for four, made all these plans and sucked Jess and I into them, continued to be in contact with us and then who suddenly are really rude.

I’m sorry, but I still live in a state where I do trust people, and as you already know, am more than willing to take a leap of fate, but I have to tell you that yesterday my “glass is half full” optimism took a hard hit.

So I emailed the man who wanted to interview me for the job in Frankfurt and asked if the position was still available and if so, would he still be interested in talking to me. I also went back and put in some applications for civilian military jobs.

And now we sit and wait. To be honest, if they bought the place I wouldn’t be too happy staying here, though I would until I found a job, then adios.

Either way, Mark is saying to hang in there, a solution will come up, and to not worry. He may be really hard to listen to all the time, but he is nice, he has never questioned our “history”.

So we have two couples staying here for the next couple of days, and I decided to use an empty table in the former bar now lounge/TV area and put out coffee, tea, and some cookies for the guests. In the back of my mind I was thinking, if I wanted people to eat dinner here, I would start out giving them a reason to hang out, in order to smell food, see others eat etc. Maybe the first night they would g out, but the second stay in. I just wish I could take this place and run it myself, with all my own ideas. It is very hard butting heads with Mark. I would want to be able to just dig in and make my changes.

I don’t think I will plan on staying here if Mark stays, only because he wants to open the bar up again. I know it does make money, but I just hate living in a place where it is so disgustingly smoking and there are people coming in and out the door all night.

But who knows, planning does not seem to be my forte. LOL

In the meantime Jess moved into the small single room last night, and is still sleeping. I am surprised she didn’t come down to check her mail every second. I feel really badly for her.


Anonymous said...

Hi Diana and Jess... Love the blog.. wish I was having this adventure with you... Something will turn up soon...keep looking!!
If I win the lotto I am coming to see you guys... and I am going to drag your Mom with me... just in case I win..LOL Love, your cousin, Susan

Anonymous said...

Hi Diana. I got this blog from some of your former coworkers at the main office. It appears that you are having quite an adventure. Take care of yourself...Greg.