Monday, April 10, 2006

Help for son

Hi there. The time has come for me to get rid of my Honda Civic. I can't make the payments any longer, and Nick, being 19, cannot afford both payments and insurance, so I am asking for you help.

Does anyone out there in MN know of a decently priced car? I mean a beater car, it doesn't have to be pretty, but needs to be reliable so that he can get back and forth to work. I can't pay a lot, I mean VERY little, (under $1,000) but could really use your help... Thanks so much......

Anyone that has any information can contact me at (is a valid email, I set it up just for this).

Not much else going on this week. Just working.. I have today and tomorrow off, and now that I have internet at home, was able to catch Nick online and IM with him for about an hour. YES!!!!!!! Still trying to get home to come to Germany, trying to lure him with free rent, home cooking, an inexpensive car, a PT job paying about $9 an hour...... no go, he still gets really mad, saying he will never move here.. *sigh*

Anyway, am working like crazy trying to clean house, catch up on email, update bookmarks, etc........ Am possibly going back up to Amsterdam in a few weeks, maybe with a tour from post to see the Keukenhof(??) gardens........
Will write more in a day or two......

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