Monday, February 27, 2006

Sing with me now!........

Diana's gonna have a caaaaar... Diana's gonna have a caaaaaarr.

Yes people, I will be buying a 1982 Audi something or other with 149,000 miles on it. *LOL*

The woman at work whose son is going back to the Phillipines (sp) keeps offering it to me, she says she won't sell it to anyone else but me. (i remind her of her grandmother whom she loves very much!!) I don't know whether to take that as an insult (do I look that old?) or not, but I am secretly very proud. PLUS even though I was going to buy it before, but then I lost all my state tax refund to the kids student loans that I cosigned for.. she still keeps offering it to me, even saying i can pay part now, part later. Also my supervisor, Nick, who is is also Philipino(why does that spelling look SOOO wrong??), and is going to see if she will bring the price down a bit.. Soooo.....

I think that means no flying trip to Spain, but I am now researching road trips. We are only a couple of hours away from France I know, and probably only 4 or so from Beligium, and I think the Netherlands too, Plus Austria, Prague, etc... We will just have to see if the car will hold up to long trips....


I am getting to really like working at Taco Bell, I JUST NEED MORE MONEY!!!!!

I like that the work is physical, it feels good to be moving around, bending lifting, etc.... and the people I work with are pretty amazing, with the exception of the manager of the store, but what else is new there, that is the ancient curse of working at all. LOL

So I am getting into pretty good shape I think. I am still down about 52 pounds, so that is good. I really need another 20 pounds I think, I will be so thrilled, you will have no idea. HOT 48 year old woman. *g*
I really wouldn't mind working here for a while, but I know I need more money to survive. For now though, I am pretty frigging happy where I am, thank you. Maybe my goal in life WAS to work at a Taco Bell.. *g* I am sure I will move on to something else, but as I said, i am pretty happy where I am right now.

Well, off to look up road trips, find out about changing my MN license into a German one, etc... Hope you all are well in Minnesota!!!

Thursday, February 23, 2006

Some exploring

Well, I have decided to take $150 of my tax money and take a three day trip somewhere, probably the south of Spain. It is warmer than here and I can speak Spanish, and the food??? Do I have to say anything? YUM..

Am still not sure though, I may do southern Italy or the Island of Sadinia off Iitaly.. Ryanair has flights for about 1.99€ plus about 20 in taxes, each way.. The places I am looking at also have youth hostels where you can stay for about $20 a night... sooooooo.....

Half the fun is in the planning I think. *G* Jess may or may not go, she has not said. If she goes I will see if the landlord/Vet's secretary might stop up and feed and water the cats and plants in the apartment since the office is right in back of us.

So I can go to london, Ireland, Belgium, Netherlands, Italy, Spain., Portugal, Switzerland, France, you name it. Maybe I should save Spain for when it is warmer and do London or Paris.... AUUGGHHH... Don't you just love that these hard decisions are so FUN?? not bad for a Taco Bell worker.... :-p

I decided I need to get off my butt and start taking some short trips. Actually London or paris I could probably do in two days......


OH! I finally got my hair dyed back to blonde.. It was almost completely the natural, dull brown color before I had the money to dye it back blonde, it was such a shock, I didn't know if I even liked it, but now I am glad, makes me look younger again, not so old and haggard.

I am helping to pay off my mom's credit card now, so i feel a lot better about that. Living with the minimum amount of things and costs allows me to be able to start paying her back...
Anway, i work at 5:30, so I need to run home and get my work clothes, stop off at the market for some fruit and yogurt. I'll keep you updated on the travel thing. I plan to go mid March, I always have two day off work in the middle of the week, so I will take those and maybe one other day. Not sure yet. Hope you all are fine there in Minnesota!!!!

Monday, February 20, 2006


Sorry it has been a while, I couldn't get into blogger the other day to give an update. I got my federal taxes back and was able to get my hair dyed back to blonde. YEAH! Also was able to buy jeans and topes that fit me.. For those of you who know me, you know I used to wear big mens shirts over tops. NO MORE! I bought a bunch of knit shell sort of tops, short sleeved scoop necked close fitting tops. GRIN. 50 pounds and a person can definitely wear things they could not wear before.

Otherwise not much else new, just haunting the UN and military job boards, putting in for all the IT jobs I can, waiting to hear back. I haven't heard back from the UN, but it is still possible, has not quite been 4 weeks since the interview.

Flower shops are awesome here. I bought a little bonsai tree, would run about $30 in the US, for 6€.... and a few flowering plants, most about 99 cents, the most expensive was 4€.

I had to take my cat in a few weeks ago to have her mouht operated on. She is older, had to get about 6 teeth pulled. OW.. Luckily the vet is our landlord and her office is right behind the apartment! Bammy is doing great and you can tell feels soooo much better with the teeth out..

Jess and I were going to get a car with our tax money, but decided to wait until we know where we are going to be permanently, plus I am paying back my mom at $100 a month, so car insurance would be too expensive to pay with everything else, on our pay.........

Weather is great, springlike, getting more sunny days, I was able to walk across the comples where I work without a jacket the other day.. Woo-hoo!

Well, I need to hit the shops in town before they close at 6, this is one of my days off......

Hope everyone is doing fine........... Take care!!!

Thursday, February 09, 2006

Thunder and snow

Strange weather here in Germany, been windy and rainy, then suddenly snow and thunder, and then by 1 pm sunny and everything melted. *L*

Still not much going on, waiting to here about jobs, that's about it. Jess and her boyfriend broke up, thankfully before she left to go live with him in Portugal, so she will be following me wherever I get a job. (YEAH)

We went to the movies the other night! On post, Jess wanted to see Harry Potter, it was the last time it was playing. I had gotten a couple of free passes from my supervisor for being so wonerful *blush*. We had not been to a movie since the US.

NICE, high backed chairs, etc. We bought a bag of popcorn, smooothered it with fake butter and salt, and a drink, also some chocolate, what a treat!

As soon as we sat down I had flashbacks to when I was in the Air Force, and I told Jess to be prepared for the National Anthom, that we would have to stand up during it. She didn't believe me, said that was a long time ago. But I said we were on a US military base, trust me, they will have the national anthom before the movies starts. Sure enough, it played. I should have bet Jess money. *g*

So that was a nice treat. I think I gained 2 pounds from all the butter and salt I consumed.. (American food, evil, fattening!) LOL

Work is the same, i have gotten into the swing of thing really well with one particular supervisor, so when we work together, it's not too bad.

What else?? I know I had things to talk about, but once I get online, my mind goes blank.

Well, going to go, am just hanging by a thread hoping to get a call about one or another job in Geneva.

Take care!