Monday, February 27, 2006

Sing with me now!........

Diana's gonna have a caaaaar... Diana's gonna have a caaaaaarr.

Yes people, I will be buying a 1982 Audi something or other with 149,000 miles on it. *LOL*

The woman at work whose son is going back to the Phillipines (sp) keeps offering it to me, she says she won't sell it to anyone else but me. (i remind her of her grandmother whom she loves very much!!) I don't know whether to take that as an insult (do I look that old?) or not, but I am secretly very proud. PLUS even though I was going to buy it before, but then I lost all my state tax refund to the kids student loans that I cosigned for.. she still keeps offering it to me, even saying i can pay part now, part later. Also my supervisor, Nick, who is is also Philipino(why does that spelling look SOOO wrong??), and is going to see if she will bring the price down a bit.. Soooo.....

I think that means no flying trip to Spain, but I am now researching road trips. We are only a couple of hours away from France I know, and probably only 4 or so from Beligium, and I think the Netherlands too, Plus Austria, Prague, etc... We will just have to see if the car will hold up to long trips....


I am getting to really like working at Taco Bell, I JUST NEED MORE MONEY!!!!!

I like that the work is physical, it feels good to be moving around, bending lifting, etc.... and the people I work with are pretty amazing, with the exception of the manager of the store, but what else is new there, that is the ancient curse of working at all. LOL

So I am getting into pretty good shape I think. I am still down about 52 pounds, so that is good. I really need another 20 pounds I think, I will be so thrilled, you will have no idea. HOT 48 year old woman. *g*
I really wouldn't mind working here for a while, but I know I need more money to survive. For now though, I am pretty frigging happy where I am, thank you. Maybe my goal in life WAS to work at a Taco Bell.. *g* I am sure I will move on to something else, but as I said, i am pretty happy where I am right now.

Well, off to look up road trips, find out about changing my MN license into a German one, etc... Hope you all are well in Minnesota!!!

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