Monday, February 20, 2006


Sorry it has been a while, I couldn't get into blogger the other day to give an update. I got my federal taxes back and was able to get my hair dyed back to blonde. YEAH! Also was able to buy jeans and topes that fit me.. For those of you who know me, you know I used to wear big mens shirts over tops. NO MORE! I bought a bunch of knit shell sort of tops, short sleeved scoop necked close fitting tops. GRIN. 50 pounds and a person can definitely wear things they could not wear before.

Otherwise not much else new, just haunting the UN and military job boards, putting in for all the IT jobs I can, waiting to hear back. I haven't heard back from the UN, but it is still possible, has not quite been 4 weeks since the interview.

Flower shops are awesome here. I bought a little bonsai tree, would run about $30 in the US, for 6€.... and a few flowering plants, most about 99 cents, the most expensive was 4€.

I had to take my cat in a few weeks ago to have her mouht operated on. She is older, had to get about 6 teeth pulled. OW.. Luckily the vet is our landlord and her office is right behind the apartment! Bammy is doing great and you can tell feels soooo much better with the teeth out..

Jess and I were going to get a car with our tax money, but decided to wait until we know where we are going to be permanently, plus I am paying back my mom at $100 a month, so car insurance would be too expensive to pay with everything else, on our pay.........

Weather is great, springlike, getting more sunny days, I was able to walk across the comples where I work without a jacket the other day.. Woo-hoo!

Well, I need to hit the shops in town before they close at 6, this is one of my days off......

Hope everyone is doing fine........... Take care!!!

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