Friday, May 19, 2006

Zoo pics

OK, I know I have been lagging, but it has still been really boring here. I am almost out of debt, so hopefully in another month I can start to take a few trips. LOL Then again, you never know what is going to happen, do you?

A week or so ago Jess and I actually had the same day off work, so we took a trip to the Opal (Opel??) zoo north of Frankfurt.

This zoo is amazing, not only because of how it is laid out, but because you can feed the animals. I don't mean just the goats, but the monkeys, elephants, even the artic dogs! They sell both pellets and fresh carrots. Obviously people here are smart enough to NOT give them popcorn and junk like they try to do in the states.

Jess even has a baby monkey reach out and grab onto her finger and hold it... This place was great!

I will get right to the good stuff and post a link to the pictures.

Click here

Anyway, not much else new. Still slinging tacos, applying for more army jobs, some even in Saudi Arabia and Iraq, short term jobs to make some money.

Our friend Cari will be passing through Frankfurt on the 30th, on her way to Rwanda with a group. She has a layover of something like 13 hours, so yeah! We will at least be able to meet and and do some catch-up!

Sorry this is another short blog. Later!

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