Sunday, September 04, 2005

Countdown to Germany

Well, only a couple of days until I leave for Germany. I looked at the Trenitalia site for strike info on the day I leave and first it said strike, then it said trains run regularly, then something about only certain trains running. Typical Italian.
I decided I'd better get on the ball and go to the train station tomorrow and get some information.

Jess still hasn't gotten ner Mbag with books from the states. She is staying behind until ashe does, or until the first of Oct, or until she gets tired of waiting. Either way I'll be on my own in Germany. A little disconcerning, but I will be fine. I'm just so used to being joined at the hip to her. I might just find I like traveling alone. GULP

Tonight we are going to eat at the 4 course restaurant again.We were going to tomorrow night, but it is filled. No bookings. This is a nice little restaurant.

Tomorrow we do laudry like crazy. All the sheets, blankets, the rest of my clothing. The I will need to start packing. Or maybe I'll just do it Tuesday. We are still wondering about whether or not I should take Jess' laptop with me. Mine seems to have dies. I can' format it. I can fdisk, but that is it.
It was such a nice little computer. Oh well..... sigh.

Short post tonight, as we have to head down to the restaurant.

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