Saturday, May 14, 2005

Mass chaos

Wow, it's really hard to wrap my head around everything that has to be done, and so much of it on a last minute basis.
The big thing right now is to get my son moved into his apartment. Well, my apartment actually, it's rented in my name, which right now scares the crap out of me. I know he is a pretty reasonable person, but he's made mention of someone living on the couch for a while, which is such a big no no. *sigh* but how am I going to stop him from thousands of miles away? Okay, I have to change the subject right now, or I'll have a stroke thinking about it.
The garage, I made a little (note the word little) progress on it yesterday, but nothing like I had hoped. (Can we say no help?) Although Nick helped me go through some boxes and I did get one load to the Goodwill. It's still so NOT close to being cleaned out.
Luckily I found out the van I had rented for one day was really rented for two, so that is great.
I'm still being a wuss on what to do about housing when we give up the house. If I don't watch it, we'll be on the street with three kennels of cats. Oh God! That would be a nightmare.

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