Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Counting down the time

Well, at least Jess is counting the days. I just know that in a little over a week the new owners will be coming here and another great change will happen in this adventure of ours.

Or not. I have beening talking online with Jan, and she is very nervous about how unorganized Mark is. She feels like he is not telling here everything and she doesn't want to sink 10,000€ into a place where he might want it back in a couple of months. I DON't see him doing that, he wants out badly, but I can't blame her for being VERY nervous about the whole thing. She told me not to worry, things will work out, they are moving ahead on the place in Portugal. Maybe they will let us come work there if this falls through. Let the chips fall where they may. We seem to have become permanent wards of whatever family will have us. :-)

In the meantime, I tried to get ingredients for some sort of Thanksgiving dinner here, NO GO. I think I would have to go out and grown my own sweet potatoes, plus we have no oven for turkey, etc. No problem. I am thinking Tacos, which here is just as good as turkey. We haven't had any sort of Mexican food since we were in the states. Taco shells here were a whopping 3.27€ which makes it around 3.75 dollars for a box of 8, probably old shells.LOL Oh well, worth a try.

The weather here is sunny but cold. About the same tempp as it has been in MN. I can see why there is such a large German population there. SAME weather up to this point, but I kknow that pretty soon MN will be WAY colder than here.

Not much else going on, just hanging out, trying not to die from boredom. I think we are going to have to scare the sit out of Mark today and make him see that if he doesn't get on the ball with this, the deal will fall through, he will have NO money and will end up losing the house altogether. Oh joy.


ME, the person who loved movies, looked at the listings in the Blaine area yesterday and didn't even recognize the names of half the movies playing! Amazing. Starting to feel like a European.

Well, I am going to go now. Later!

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