Wednesday, November 16, 2005

One hospital per country!

Wow, another blog entry from me! Spent the majority of the day at the local hospital seeing if I had a sinus infection. I thought it was too early in the lifespan of it, to go in, but figured why wait until I got really sick before I went in.

I was also very lucky to have been made to buy insurance in Italy, because they let me use it here. Sooner or later I am going to be forced to come up with some sort of insurance. UGH…..

The German hospital was so much better than the Italian one, we only ended up waiting for about 15 minutes versus the 2 hours in Italy. In the waiting room I had been translating everything I could think of and putting it on this little teeny bit of paper I had in my billfold. It was about 1 inch by 3 inches and had someone’s email address written on it.

I wrote down the German words for “headache”, “stomach ache”, no fever, “I have chronic asthma”, “today asthma OK”, “but” no antibiotics, “possible” pneumonia.

I didn’t know if the Dr would speak English, so right away I handed him this tiny scrap of paper, and all the words were in different places on it, so I had to point out one, then the next, make him turn the paper over, show him the next. He was laughing and when he was done looking at it, began speaking in English .LOLOL. Hey, I wanted to make sure everything was understood!

It turns out they have a blood test (only in Germany? I had never heard of this) that checks for a certain protein that will tell them if you have a sinus infection. I didn’t have it, so that was good, but he still wrote out a prescription for me that I could get filled if I got worse. He said wait until I needed it, because it is about 45 €, but was good. So I am hanging on to that.

Not much time online tonight, so will just let you know that I FINALLY managed to get through the whole Lord of the Rings Triligy. Ok, I do admit to fast forwarding through some of the war scenes.. *YAWN* Anyway, I will keep this short, and will write tomorrow. Night!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You answered my e-mail question about the hosp.