Friday, July 01, 2005

Tomorrow all will be known

Well, we are still struggling with the Italian Consulate in Chicago. Jess has been there every day, tomorrow is the do or die date. If we can't get our students visas tomorrow then we'll have to go with tourist visas. I'm pretty numb on the whole subject now, BUT I REALLY WANT MY STUDENT VISA SO WE CAN MAKE SOME EXTRA MONEY!

On a brighter note, I've got some pictures from the window of our hotel in Chicago! We are on the 23rd (top floor) so I took a couple today. This is the first time putting pictures in. If you double click on them you'll see a bigger image.


Anonymous said...

I read that you had been denied student visas... god Diana, I'm so sorry!!! I'm halfway through my visit at dad's, and won't be home till Wednesday night. You're leaving for Rome tomorrow! I truly hope that you will find a way - perhaps when you get there, you can obtain the papers needed yourself and send them to the consulate... or something? I wish you and Jess the best on your long long flight to Europe and Italy!!

diana said...

Hey, I'm feeling much better about it today, besides, we leave for Italy tomorrow evening Annika. It's hard to believe it is true!