Sunday, July 24, 2005

Italian TV

I've been meaning to write about this for a while, but never seem to think of it when I am at the computer. Since we have taken the day off from life and been sitting at PCs all day, I suddenly remembered it.

Besides the fact that it is all in Italian, with the exception of CNN at 3 am, there is not a whole lot to watch. We seem to watch MTV when we have it on, and have found that after a certain time of night about 5 stations show nothing but soft porn, well i think it is soft. There was one the other night when I switched stations that was like some old balck and white porno where the woman had HUGE underpants on, and the guy came over and gave her a spanking. (Oh yeah, very tittilating!) HA!

Anyway, what I really wanted to talk about was the fact that we found the equivalent of Queer Eye for the Straight Guy on tv the other night! Very interesting. The same music, format everything, except the name of the show was I Fantastico V, i think that was the name of it. We watched the whole thing, didn't agree with everything, including the fact the the guy being made over had to style his own beard into a goatee type of thing AND color it himself. i thought that was kind of funny. But they even had the same poses in the beginning, the guy with the hairdryer, one brandishing a cooking utensil, etc.

We were SO hoping that they would play the show "Blow Out" afterwards, we got hooked on that show right before we left the states.

Anyway, it's also fun to watch things like My Best friend's Wedding in Italian, because with movies like that (i have watched about 50 times) at least you have an idea what is going on.

To be honest, we watched more when we first got here. Now we have more of a tendency to hook up the portable dvd player we brought to the TV. It will only play in black and white, but hey, it's better than nothing. I anticipate that someday I will be able to turn on the Tv and actually understand what is being said on the truly horrible game shows, before I turn the channel. *g* ciao!

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