Thursday, July 14, 2005


I don't know, that's how I feel today. We really should know more Italian, after all it's been what, 9 days now? Every time we go in a shop and start with our pigeon Italian, I feel like the people are looking at me saying "Oh come one Diana, It's been what, 9 days now and you are still doing the non parlo italiano bit with us? Get off the stick and learn some Italian."

Maybe I'm hoping like Bart Simpson in the episode where he gets kidnapped or something and is like a slave in France. One day he just wakes up and speaks fluent French. HA! That would be nice. But for some reason I feel like a slacker for not knowing more. Well, the being sick part didn't help, but I am going to sign us up for some individual lessons until we can start class August first.

We walked all the the area where the Umbrian Jazz fest has one of the stages placed. Lots of people, lots of police, even saw some taking someone away. I have a feeling they are doing a huge sweep as far as anyone even remotely or possibly connected to a terrorist organization. I think that is how it should be. Get them before they get you. It seems like a big problem in America is they think, Oh my, we'll be taking people's freedom away if we just start arresting people. Well, tell that to all the victims of 911 and their families. Crack down and do something BEFORE it gets you.

Oh yeah, you tell them Diana. Sorry. Just rambling.

This will be short, am already falling asleeep at the keyboard sitting here. Will ramble more tomorrow. ciao

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