Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Taking a breather

Not much going on today, slept late, went to the post office to pay our insurance, by then the questura was closed so we couldn't finish registering. We decided to try to get out to the mall outside of town, but started so late, ened up riding busses back home. Planning a trip in the next couple of days, not sure where yet, maybe Sorrento, but not sure how busy those places will be. we need to get out of Perugia for the day, I'm starting to go crazy here!


Anonymous said...

How can you go crazy when you have all those men from the men's club lined up outside your house. Love Mom...

Gia-Gina said...

Hello Diana,
I found your blog on the expats site. Have you posted where you live and how you got here? I would love to read more.