Sunday, July 24, 2005

The lost blog entry!

I wrote this in a journal at 3 am when I was the sickest, I think it was arounf July 7th, about 3 days after we got here.. I kept meaning to put it in the blog. It may not be the most interesting, but it really should be in here. :-)

Three in the morning here, I really need to move my bed upstairs. These college kids never go to sleep. The lower level of our apartment is facing the alley and street. Upstairs we face the roof tops and valley. Much less noise.

About 3 am, the wind started blowing like crazy! Storm coming I think.With the screens in the windows you can hear the wind howl, and I swear the more I listen, I can hearmen singing either a soccer song or "Ric-oh-lo!". Maybe my fever is higher than I thought. For some unknown reason I decided to wrap a scarf around my neck and it's like 90 here. It just feels good for some reason. I wanted something to clear my nose up so that I didn't sleep with my mouth open. I think that is part of what is giving me such a bad sore throat. The only thing I could find for my nose was Icy Hot.

So it's 3 in the morning, the wind is howling and I am laying in bed with a scarf wrapped around my neck with icy hot under my nose listening to men sing Ric-oh-lo down the hill. hmmm...

Finally a few pepl make it up the hill towards our apartment. They are singing "canta, canta, canta" (sing, sing, sing) then Dove Maria in time to a drum they are banging on. I swear I am not making this up!

I think Italian men love to sing, it's so cute. Maybe it is something that they only do when they have been drinking (i have since learned that they seem to do it anytime, esp to the women they are with.)or maybe they are just happy. But I always hear them coming up the street singing little songs. They seem to have pretty good voices too.

Jess and I both have a crush on the pizza guy at the pizza place down the hill. He is one of the few people here who speaks to us in English. Last time we visited he made a point of doing some sort of rap dance while he was heating up our pizza. They use the big brick ovens at this place, and they use the paddle with the long stick to get things in and out of the oven. It was nice to have a guy paying attention to us, we were both laughing at how silly he was, but the girl who was working with him wasn't very amused. Oh well, what is life without a little flirting!

Anyway I need to get a couple of hours sleep before the church bells wake us up at 7:30 or so. We are still trying to figure out what all they ring for. Of course the time, but there are many other times they are ringing. I haven't been able to figure out why yet.

The medicine we got at the farmacia is just not working. I think I may have to go to the dr and get an antibiotic.

Anyway, when we went to the farmacia it was kind of cool. I had learned the words for sore throat. fa male golah, so they were able to give me some pain medication. I made sure there was no aspirin in it, because it had the Bayer sign on the box.
The layout there is cool, they have about six or seven very thin doors in the wall behind them that they pull out and have all the medicine there. They ring up your stuff and then srap it in one little piece of paper folded like a present. I was so proud I was like trying to show it off as we went home, as proof I could handle myself in a farmacia. LOL

Another thing I have noticed in a lot of the stores is they have a large ceramic plate that they put you items on as well as change you get back. Kind of cool.

Well that is is, going to bed now, hoping I feel better in the morning.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sing ric-oh-lo to me Aldo.. I peeded my pants laughing at this blog.